Jane Brophy is the new GLD Vice Chair Communications
My new role for the Green Lib Dems is Vice Chair Communications. I am very happy with this role as it fits in well with my other roles and experiences. I am currently Group Leader on Trafford…
My new role for the Green Lib Dems is Vice Chair Communications. I am very happy with this role as it fits in well with my other roles and experiences. I am currently Group Leader on Trafford…
I am delighted to have been appointed your Vice Chair Organisation - VCO. This is my first role on the GLD Exec. I am Parliamentary Spokesperson for the Rushcliffe constituency in Nottinghamshire,…
A progressive carbon taxation policy motion, including aviation, to reduce both CO2 and poverty
Another crackpot theory for you
Local government pensions fund investments in England and Wales were collectively worth £287 billion as of March 2019, according to central government figures. Many funds, in their schedules of…
A unique opportunity to prepare for sustainable choices in 2021.
The Times They Are A Changin' [Part 1...] The Bob Dylan song from the early 1960s sprang to mind earlier when I was thinking about coronavirus and its consequences, many of which are unprecedented.
The Free and Open Source software used for GLD Challenge magazine 2019-20 was Scribus (for DTP), LibreOffice (for wordprocessing), Gimp (for editing photos) and Inkscape (for editing line diagrams).…
The Case for Emergency Universal Basic Income: NOW As I started writing this article my intention was to start from the general economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic and work my way…