GLDNEWS April 2020

GreenLibDems Newsletter 17 April 2020
This GLDNEWS is online at:
In this exciting issue:
* Letter from our new Chair, Keith Melton
(scroll down here)
* Earthday 22 April The Story of Plastic video premiere at GLD
* Victory against fracking in Salford, Trafford, Warrington, Cheshire West and Chester
* Jane Brophy on being Vice Chair Comms
* Jason Billin on being Vice Chair Organisation
* Graham Neale on being Vice Chair Campaigns
* Linda Johnson has volunteered to take minutes of our meetings:
* Please join some of our new subgroups:
Events and Campaigns, Finance and Fundraising, Policy, Communications, and Organisation
* Exec membership and subgroups are at:
* Geoff Harvey: Funding a New Green Investment Bank
* Marion Woolenscroft: A unique opportunity to prepare for sustainable choices in 2021
* Stewart Reddaway : A Draft Carbon Tax motion for Autumn Conference
* Diana Catton: What if God has sent the coronavirus as a modern-day biblical plague to force us to change our ways?
* Linda Johnson: Comment on Covid-19 and Climate Change
* Jane Brophy: We must respect the science on the climate crisis in the same way we have respected the science on COVID-19
*Jason Billin: A New Normal after Lockdown
* Policies: please could people who understand how the LibDem party policy processes work and have some time suggest additions and improvements to our Policies Webpage at
* We have spare copies of Challenge Magazine 2019-20 for sale to GLD Members only at £5 (including postage)
Most of the magazine articles are online with links to individual facebook threads - please comment on articles and share and grow exponentially.
Keith Melton, 2020 Chair of GLD writes:
I am writing this brief note to launch a new series of regular Green Liberal Democrat Newsletters for our 2020 Vision. We are in the midst of a global pandemic which will inevitably cause a difference in the way we see and evaluate our world. As well as this note I am writing the second in a series of articles for the GLD website with the cover-all title of "The times they are a` changing` ", so by the time this newsletter reaches you that article should be in the website and more will follow.
But this newsletter is not about what I am doing, or about what the executive is doing, it is (or it should be, at least!) about what WE the Green Liberal Democrats are doing around the country - and, maybe, across national boundaries too. Our membership has sky-rocketed over the last three years and we hope that upward trend will continue, of course. So we now have a greater capacity to influence our party and our local communities into finding new ways of doing politics which will be more conducive to the goal which we enshrined in the preamble to the constitution of the Liberal Democrats:-
We believe that each generation is responsible for the fate of our planet and, by safeguarding the balance of nature and the environment, for the long-term continuity of life in all its forms.
So, once you have read this first newsletter, start to think about what contribution you might be able to make to the next one, or the one after that. To paraphrase John F Kennedy (and I am old enough to have heard the speech live on the news programmes of the day!)
"Ask not what your GLD can do for you - ask what you can do for your GLD"..
I just hope it can be as inspirational as Kennedy for the Green Liberal Democrats over the coming months and years. Don`t wait for the executive to pass down interesting tasks to be carried out. The existential crises of Climate and Biodiversity Loss need everyone to play their part in changing the world.
I am looking forward to seeing what we can manage to do with all the talents we have signed up to GLD membership over recent years, as well as the talent of members rather longer in the group. Let`s find ways of multiplying our influence as much as possible.
Keith M Melton, Chair, GLD
April 2020
Please encourage your friends to Join GLD, via the website.
We have a facebook page at
We have a group where members can post and receive advice and help with campaigns, info etc at
Our TWITTER is @GreenLibDems
(We urgently need a GLD volunteer to help with Instagram please)
Please subscribe to our website for Daily Updates (we don't update every day, but this way you get them that day not a week or month later!)
Please submit articles for our website and newsletters and magazine
( Please use our Facebook Page for comments on this article )
We have followed the GDPR guidance at
(edited by George Miles - sorry for any mistokes)