A draft progressive carbon taxation policy motion
A progressive carbon taxation policy motion, including aviation, to reduce both CO2 and poverty
A progressive carbon taxation policy motion, including aviation, to reduce both CO2 and poverty
Another crackpot theory for you
Local government pensions fund investments in England and Wales were collectively worth £287 billion as of March 2019, according to central government figures. Many funds, in their schedules of investments, show substantial direct stock holdings in major oil companies. The reason for this is not hard to guess at: oil companies (unlike e.g. tech stocks) pay regular dividends and by investing in them directly, pension funds avoid management fees associated with indirect investment, via unitised trust funds. Trustees will be attracted to investing in oil stocks especially where they interpret their fiducial duty as being purely to maximise medium- and long-term financial gain. Less progressive trustees may be resistant both to adopting an ethical investment policy and to acknowledging the (increasing) longer term risk attendant in oil industry investments, as the energy transition progresses.
The Times They Are A Changin' … Part 2
A unique opportunity to prepare for sustainable choices in 2021.
The Times They Are A Changin' [Part 1...] The Bob Dylan song from the early 1960s sprang to mind earlier when I was thinking about coronavirus and its consequences, many of which are unprecedented.
Pippa Heylings MP becomes Liberal Democrat Energy Security and Net Zero Spokesperson with vow to take take green issues to the heart of Westminster
Pippa took part in the Commons debate in Westminster Hall on UK priorities for COP29, the UN climate change conference, on Sep 10th
In one of their first votes in Parliament, the new Liberal Democrat MPs for Cambridgeshire have voted in support of an amendment to the King's Speech which would see action taken on sewage dumping, cost of living and the NHS
Pippa Heylings joined with Cam Valley Forum campaigners on Sunday 19th May for a swim to celebrate Sheep’s Green in Cambridge receiving a Bathing Water Designation
On Wednesday, Conservative MPs including South Cambs MP Anthony Browne voted against a new law which would have seen water companies in court for sewage spills.
The 2024 ENDS Power List for politicians who have championed environmental causes has been published. It is a list of 50 politicians in the country and Pippa is honoured to be part of that list!