Making energy saving the nation's first priority is the best way forward.
In Green Liberal Democrats we are adamant. Making energy saving the nation's first priority is the best way forward. Compare the limited £3.9 billion announced over 3 years, to provide only 90,000 homes with a new type of hearing, with the £150 billion programme LibDem Leader, Ed Davey, proposes. That will insulate the social housing stock and help homeowners. How? Industry will develop new materials and switch to new products with technology we know about and some new that we don't know about now, to all but completely free us from the need for heating new domestic and commercial buildings. Changing regulations is key. If everyone has to meet the new regulations the scale of the market for sustainable tech will bring down prices in a competitive market. How will we pay for insulating homes? Vulnerability to escalating gas cost now shows that it won't take many years to recoup the cost to retrofit an existing property. The right government programme LibDems propose will result in the same quality of replac