What a night 2nd May was! What a month May 2019 was! Celebrating 704 new councillors !
The 2nd of May 2019 is a day that will live in the memory of many people, especially Liberal Democrats, for years to come. The last time I can remember us having a night as significant as this was May 1993 when we made sweeping gains in the County Council elections and David Rendell overturned a Tory majority of over 12000 to win the Newbury by-election with a majority of over 22,000.
Whilst we were celebrating 703 new councillors we worked and hoped for another good result in the European elections on 23rd May. Like many Liberal Democrats I sat up to watch the results come in and, along with Green Liberal Democrats Chair, Graham Neale, I was posting and commenting upon the results on Twitter. It became clear that we were in for a very special night which saw Executive member Jane Brophy elected as an MEP for the north-West; and our President, Martin Horwood, elected as an MEP in the South West.
As someone who lived in London for over 10 years I was surprised and delighted to see us top the poll resulting in 3 LibDem MEPs being elected. This year was our best ever Euro-Elections with 16 MEPs elected - our previous best result was 12 MEPs.

As they say what a night and what a very special month May 2019 was.
Since those elections we have received very positive feedback telling us that where people campaigned on 'Green' issues the message went down very well and being able to say that you were accredited by the Green Liberal Democrats great helped. This was further reinforced when our candidates and campaigners wore Green Liberal Democrat T-shirts and high viz vests - so order yours now!
If you are planning to stand for election whether it is as a Councillor, MP, MSP, AM or any other office then do apply for accreditation by the Green Liberal Democrats - please following this link for further information https://greenlibdems.org.uk/en/page/candidate-accreditation
We will be celebrating these amazing result at the Green Liberal Democrats Conference in Nottingham this Saturday - so why not come along and celebrate with us?