Green Hero - Pippa Heylings

Pippa Heylings - Global Green Change CatalystPippa is the Liberal Democrat candidate for South East Cambridgeshire. Pippa is also a key member of the Green Liberal Democrats and a member of the LibDem policy working group which recently responded to the climate emergency with a clear plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2030 and thence achieve the target of net zero emissions by 2045. |
Professor Sir Bob Watson, former Chair of the IPCC (details below) |

NewsWith a masters degree from Rhodes University, South Africa, Pippa has a distinguished career in
environmental policy formulation, seeking practical solutions to global problems and
acting as a catalyst in their implementation.
"After working as a director of a large NGO I set up my own company which works
with scientists, the UN and government organisations to ensure that local voices
are heard and policy decisions are evidence-based, sustainable and practical".
LOCAL Action
Pippa has more claim than almost anyone to thinking globally, but she also very much acts locally...
"I look forward to speaking out louder than ever about Lib Dem priorities
for the country and Cambridgeshire: fighting inequality, tackling climate change,
and of course helping to stop Brexit."
She chairs the Climate Change and Environment Committee of South Cambridgeshire District Council. Pippa made the South Cambridgeshire DC one of the first district Councils to make a zero-carbon pledge. This places the Council next to Oxford City Council as top in UK for taking real budgeted action after recognising the climate emergency.
If elected to the House of Comons Pippa says...
"I have spent my career working around the world to tackle climate change.
I understand the wholesale policy changes needed to avert environmental disaster.
I'll push for a strong green economy and green jobs."
Pippa's proven ability to bring people together and find solutions will be an essential skill for the crucial next Parliament.
YouTube video
The YouTube video above is a strong indication of Pippa`s great Environmental credentials. This is what "Scientists4Pippa" think of her skills - the speaker is Professor Sir Bob Watson, Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia and former Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - it was the IPCC that warned us all a couple of years ago that we have less than ten years left to try and tackle the Climate Emergency before things get out of control
Making Change Happen
We can't think of anyone better able to make environmental change happen in Parliament so we'll be doing all we can to help make that happen. Will you join us?
- You can find out more about Pippa here
- Organisational Member of Cambridge Conservation Forum
- Member of Cambridge Centre for Science & Policy
- Secretary of CCF Women in Conservation Leadership Group
- Director and Founder, Talking Transformation Ltd
- Fellow Centre for Science & Policy (CSAP)
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