Green Hero - Jules Ewart
Jules Ewart - "Originator of the Green Grid...?"

Liberal Democrat Candidate for Suffolk Coastal

NewsIt has been suggested that there are two sorts of people: diamonds and sponges. Diamonds radiate light and energy; sponges absorb. If you want an example of a diamond, let us introduce you to Jules Ewart. The magic works even if you do not meet her in person - a simple description of her activities and interests is in itself both enlightening and invigorating. Liberal Democrats rejoice that she is one of us!

Jules Ewart is the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Suffolk Coastal. Originally John Gummer's seat, it has been held since 2010 by Therese Coffey but, since her selection in March 2019, Jules Ewart has (as those who know her might expect) been making waves. Jules describes herself as:
"Creative, European, strategic and civic is about the sum total of life right now. Loves dance music, great food, fabulous oil paintings and the learning curve of life. Adores family and great friends. Thrives on the new." (If you look carefully at Jules` poster you will notice the seagulls accompanying the Lib Dem`s bird "Libby"!!)
Originally from Yorkshire, Jules Ewart first trained as a nurse. Then she went to London's Chelsea School of Art. From 1986 until 2017, she worked as an interior designer and lifestyle consultant. She then embarked on an MRes (PhD) programme, researching What is 'University' to the Low-Income student in 2018? Following years of outreach experience, mentoring & educational graduate training, this research project considers the events affecting outcomes for our young, and the possible interventions we might make to ensure positive differences. Clearly the recent outpouring of the generational conscience of the young, concerning the impact of the Climate Crisis on their lives, will also affect how educational practices are perceived!
Jules has lived since 1996 near Saxmundham in Suffolk, where she owns a local design business which has daily dealings with European companies. After the 2016 referendum, she was a founder member and Chair of the Suffolk EU Alliance, an all-party initiative for East Anglia looking at the many EU issues including local impact, educational exchanges and (tactical) electoral support for pro EU candidates. Drawing on her nursing training, she is vice-chair of the Leiston Patient Partnership Group. Jules's particular concerns include access to and delivery of rural education, sustainable and affordable transport, public health, sustainable living, welfare and the economy. She has recently taken up the cause of 'WASPI women', on behalf of whom she says: "I will fight tooth and nail." There seems every reason to believe her.
Renewable energy
But it is renewable energy and its consequences which is her particular concern. She writes:

"In Suffolk it's the challenge of how to get renewable energy into the national grid without disruptive tracks
of up to 8 miles long being carved through the land from the coast ... transformation technology
and planning policy should be equally green.
Plus I'd like to be the originator of the Green Grid .... it's okay having smug deadlines to be carbon neutral
but how we get there is important ... starting right now ... if I buy a boiler, a car, a wood burner ...
should I even bother and if so what type? Or, if not, what to use?
Plus I'd like to develop pendulum electric clipper transport for our area that swings
really regularly between rural destinations."
Rural Public Transport
One of the key aspects of the Liberal Democrats` response to the Climate emergency is the vast improvement needed for low impact rural transport solutions to keep polluting cars off the road. People living in rural areas often have no real alternative to having their own motorised transport, but there are areas which have found creative solutions to this problem. Liberal Democrats will seek to spread best practice as widely as possible.
Making Change Happen
Jules Ewart is a key member of our Green Liberal Democrats team which can, together, make environmental change happen in Parliament, so we'll be doing all we can to help get her elected. Will you join us?
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