Green Hero - Dinah Keal
Frack Free Ryedale

NewsCouncillor Di Keal is a long term campaigner against fracking. She has been at the heart of the Frack Free Ryedale campaign as media guru against the industry in the district in North Yorkshire. She is also a founder member of Frack Free United, a cross-party coalition against the fracking industry. The campaign chalked up a key victory when the Government placed a moratorium on Fracking recently as part of their smoke and mirrors attempt to look good.
"We have won a battle getting the government to act - but we will not rest easy
until the fracking industry is banned altogether, along with other harmful schemes
to get fossil fuel out of the ground. So, watch this space!"
Community centred
Di has lived in Norton at the heart of the constituency for 27 years and served the community as a councillor since 2000 on the town council and as a district member from 2005. She is married to Howard and they have brought up three daughters, Hannah, Molly and Emily in Ryedale.
Air Pollution and Traffic Congestion (& TREES!)
Councillor Di Keal is at the forefront of Liberal Democrat plans to tackle traffic congestion and reduce air pollution and has been instrumental in drawing up Lib Dem plans to radically transform the town`s infrastructure to tackle these issues and provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists.

Di is also a member of the steering group seeking to create a Circular Economy. She lobbies against single use plastic, is calling for expansion of recycling and re-use facilities and is chair of the Malton and Norton Environment Group. Definitely an environmental leader in the area!
Di Keal has also managed a 5 acre public open space - the Castle Garden - a green lung in Malton, for almost 20 years. So the Liberal Democrat manifesto pledge to plant 60 million trees each year is an idea that is close to her heart - that is just one tree per person per year - but it will make a huge difference to our capacity to soak up carbon dioxide and will provide great new habitats for our hard-pressed wildlife!
Flooding and Climate Change
It is now quite clear that Climate Change is associated with more extreme weather events that are now happening with greater frequency. Recent spells of heavy rain have been causing flooding in many areas around the country. With this in mind, Councillor Keal continues to lobby for better flood protection across the area including for Norton and Malton, having spearheaded the campaign that led to the building of the £10.3 million flood defences that today protect Malton, Norton and Old Malton.
Making Change Happen
Councillor Dinah Keal is a key member of our Green Liberal Democrats team which can, together, make environmental change happen in Parliament, so we'll be doing all we can to help get her elected. Will you join us?
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