Green Hero - Edward Morello
PPC for West Dorset
"I also believe we need to be investing heavily in carbon removal. There is no commercial model for scalable carbon removal so it is important the state steps in. The next frontier after net zero is removing upto 10 billion tonnes a year from our atmosphere, and we need to be developing scalable solutions now."

11th April 2024
"Climate change is an issue close to my heart I consider myself an environmentalist and passionate advocate for the widespread deployment of renewables"
Edward Morello has been selected again as the prospective parliamentary candidate for the upcoming 2024 General Election for the constituency of West Dorset. Despite not being elected in 2019, he managed to swing the vote 8.5% towards the Liberal Democrats! Leaving him with 32% of the vote share, as opposed to the 55% of the vote going blue.
Out of his top three priorities, he lists the environment, food security and protecting rivers and beaches, all issues deeply linked with protecting the climate and ecosystems. He is a Green Liberal Democrat and has worked for much of his career in the renewable energy sector as a subsidary for Brookfield Renewables- with his work revolving around helping businesses to become Carbon Neutral, and a large proportion working to get more solar power on rooftops and increasing the affordability of green energy. Additionally, early on in his career he worked in carbon finance for environmental and social impact projects in East Africa, predominantly clean cooking and solar lamps for rural and peri-rural communities. Morello is very vocal on twitter about the harms and corruption of the oil and gas industry - and the benefits and shifts towards renewable energies!
Morello's expertise and career path shows there is no one better placed for West Dorset to help campaign for the shift towards net zero in Westminster, particularly as this seat has historically been won by Conservative candidates since 1885, a party which we know has let the country down on insufficient climate pledges time and time again. Although never won by a Liberal Democrat candidate before, some polls do have West Dorset as finally swinging towards the Lib Dems.
Further Issues at the Core of his Campaign
Edward Morello has made it clear that he will "champion our rural heartland, create job opportunities, provide proper funding for local services, protect our NHS, and clean up our rivers and beaches." After his re-selection he commented on his concern for rural issues which face county's such as Dorset, explaining how hard hit local farmers, fisheries and rural businesses have been hit under successive Tory rule. Edward Morello and the Lib Dems have pledged for a Fair Deal for Farmers which would see the farming budget ncreased by £1bn, to fix workplace shortages, and to reopen and fix bothced trade deals. Furthermore, as caretakers of our land, ecosystems and seas, farmers and fishers are vital to the guardianship of our country.

West Dorset constuencies (alongside other Dorset consitutuencies) was ranked at the top of the charts for most sewage spills - at 15 out of 595 entries. As a coastal constituency which hosts some of the UK's most loved beaches on the Jurrassic Coast, this issue is particularly close to heart for Morello in order to protect consitutents, wildlife and ecosystems.
Cleaning Beaches
Edward has been supporting and taking part in local beach cleans in his constituency for many years. The Great Dorset Beach Clean is run by Litter Free Dorset.

Making Change Happen
Edward Morello is a key member of the Liberal Democrats team which can, together, make environmental change happen in Parliament, so we'll be doing all we can to help get him elected. Will you join us?
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