Youth competition for FREE places - please spread the word!!
I am sure you all know by now that the GLD Spring Conference to celebrate 30 years of GLD activity and look forward to the NEXT 30 years will take place in Nottingham on 19th May, exactly 482 years after Henry Vlll chopped off Anne Boleyn`s head. Register for the conference here

And you all know that the Government wants to introduce Henry Vlll powers to ditch EU environmental regulations which will scupper the whole idea of the Precautionary Principle?
But, have you encouraged all the young Liberal Democrats you know to enter the GLD competition to be able to come along to the conference without paying a cent for registering? IF NOT WHY NOT - our senior generations, me included of course, owe it to the younger generation, to pass on the baton of radical policy formulation to protect our planet`s bio-sphere intact.
I have just watched a segment of BBC`s original Planet Earth series and David Attenborough`s words at the end of the episode rang home stark and clear (I paraphrase now...) "Life on the planet is rich and abundant - we can make a choice to either cherish it or see it destroyed"
"We can make a choice" - our choice is to CHERISH.
We have not yet had enough entries to our competition to be able to give away all of our ten (10) free places, so please will you share this short article as widely as possible amongst your younger friends to encourage them to write a competitive essay to allow them to come along to Nottingham for FREE. They need to be writing the essay NOW in order to get their entries in by the competition cut-off date of Friday 20th April
The competition details can be found in this document