Where has all the rubbish gone?
Wiltshire Council's waste management and recycling contractor, Hills Waste, has produced its Annual Review of the waste management services in the county. It's available via : http://www.recycleforwiltshire.com/index.php/stats/performance
Choose the October 2012 report (pdf).
If you're interested in the tonnage figures on recycling and landfill and how much of what goes where this document explains everything. Differences between the various districts show up - for example West Wiltshire still produces more green waste than the rest of the county despite the 'harmonisation' process which means all the Wiltshire districts now get the same service.
The document includes an update on the new mechanical biological treatment facility at Westbury, and warns us that we need to keep producing enough rubbish to feed both that and the waste to energy plant at Slough. Between them they'll need 110,000 tonnes of rubbish per year.