Welcome to the Liberal Democrat Spring Conference

Hi - it seems probable that if you have just arrived on the GLD website today, it is because you clicked on the website link on the conference GLD Booth!?
So, I hope you will take the opportunity to visit the booth when it is staffed later, or tomorrow. It will be great to speak with you.
What's in store
Green Liberal Democrats have submitted an amendment to the motion F23 on Internaitonal Development, which high;lights the importance of addressing the issue of Climate Change as we emerge from the pandemic lockdown and pay attention to the effects of the lockdown on the poorest countries. Check the Agenda for F23 and our amendment (see page 72 - CONFERENCE AGENDA 2 - CONFERENCE EXTRA Sunday 21 March F23 51A)
We have two fringe meetings. Sir Ed Davey MP will be welcoming you to our first fringe, live at 17.40 Saturday. Don't miss him!
Doughnut Economy

The first is on Saturday at 17.40 when Kate Raworth and Wera Hobhouse MP will be talking about developing a wellbeing economy and, in particular, Kate`s Doughnut Economy model which is taking the pole position in challenging the old notion that GDP was the only way of measuring success. We need to talk more about economies which allow people to THRIVE... come to the fringe and see how!
"Doubling Nature"

The second fringe meeting we have is on Sunday at 13.00 in conjunction with the LGA. That meeting is about campaigning on the proposed Environment Bill and Councillor Pippa Heylings of GLD will be talking about our "Doubling Nature" campaign. Hope to see you there.
If you cannot wait to see Pippa, we have two videos where she is explaining about "biodiversity and doubling nature" and more about COP26 - the Global Summit on Climate Change
The Fringes >>>