Time to Scrap Nuclear Power

The Liberal Democrat Conference was today urged to rule out the construction of any more nuclear power stations.
Under proposals debated at conference, all future plans for new nuclear power stations would be axed immediately, and existing nuclear power stations would be closed at the end of their safe operating lives.
The plans are announced alongside the Liberal Democrats renewed pledge of a 60% cut in UK Carbon Dioxide emissions by 2050. A combination of energy efficiency, use of renewable sources, and a limited amount of cleaned up fossil fuels would enable these targets to be met without having to resort to increased use of nuclear power.
Norman Baker MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow Environment Secretary, said:
"It's high time that any talk of new nuclear power stations ends once and for all. Nuclear power is enormously expensive and diverts funds from renewables and other projects that offer better long term returns. The sooner we close the debate over nuclear power, the sooner investment in renewables can grow.
"If the Government is serious about tackling climate change then it must take a zero-tolerance attitude to nuclear power.Climate change is the greatest threat facing the planet. A threat of such global proportions must be tackled through international action. The environment must be at the heart of government not out on a limb."