The White House Issues The Fifth National Climate Assessment
In her excellent daily blog, Heather Cox Richardson wrote.
"Today the White House issued the fifth national climate assessment, which showed a decline in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions despite the growth of the population and of the economy. The White House statement attributes this decline to efforts to mitigate emissions and the increasingly available low-emissions options. In the last decade, it noted, wind energy costs dropped 70% and solar energy costs dropped 90%. In 2020, 80% of new energy generation capacity came from clean energy. Climate change and related extreme weather events are rapidly intensifying, the administration warned, and will cost the U.S. at least $150 billion a year. "
This brings the US into the list of advanced nations reducing their carbon footprint. Whatever they oil and gas industry tries on in greenwashing, the American people have taken the matter into their hands. Not all of them.
Yesterday's news from the US included the troubling coverage that car dealerships have so panicked about the loss of car maintenance revenue streams, because EVs need so little by comparison to a petrol or diesel engine vehicle, that they are blinding sales customers to the lower cost of ownership of electric cars.
The cost of storms of 'at least $150 Billion a year' is very worrying for secure food production as the Climate changes.
By Jed Marson (GLD VC Campaigns)