The Leadership Contenders...
Q & A session for Lib Dem Leadership contenders
This will be your first opportunity to compare the platforms and appeal of the likely three contenders for the Leadership of our Party. We would normally like to call this a "Hustings" but it will appear before nominations close, so until the 9th July, nomination day, we can only refer to them as contenders rather than candidates!
Green Liberal Democrats have been very public in calling for a RADICAL new approach to our Party`s role in the context of emerging from the Pandemic Lockdown. We need to cast off the cloak of invisibility that seems to surround us at the moment and be heard, declaiming the need to create a "New Greener Normal", rather than flopping back to the old normal.
This means we have to be BOLD - so we need our new Leader to also be BOLD.
Can all three of them bring the boldness we need?
Can any of them bring such boldness?

It is up to YOU to ask the questions that will give us the answers to this conundrum.
# WHO will represent your environmental wishes with the greatest conviction?
# WHO will reach out best to the green leaning voters in other political parties?
# WHO can "cut through" the noise and bring our message to the voters most convincingly?
...And the Rest... >>>
You have no doubt seen the promotion for our Festival of Green Events which is now replacing our GLD annual Summer Conference and has taken on a life of its own.
- Two weeks of events to give you the opportunity to interact and share your views on some of the most pressing environmental challenges we face as humans and as Liberals.
- Face to Face meetings with more than half of our MPs.
- Insights into environmental problems with subject specific briefings from leading commentators.
- A photographic competition with three weekly challenges - so dust your camera off, turn your mobile camera on, and get out into nature to find and/or create that illuminating image.
- Debates on interesting and controversial subjects - "Getting rid of Nuclear Weapons?"
- A First Political Showing of an optimistic FILM (Teaser! ... MORE information soon, watch this space!)
And, on the first day of our Festival, a conference which includes the Leadership Competition and a chance to meet and QUESTION your favourite and/or your least favoured contenders. You never know they might even get you to change your minds - isn`t that what we want our LEADER to do!!
Sign up as a Participant here... >>> #
Don`t forget that if you are already a member of GLD, you will have received a Promo Code to get you a discount. So it is only £5 to participate in ALL the events over the three weekends and two weeks of the Festival.
If you are not yet a member of GLD we have a SPECIAL OFFER which you will see when you get to the Eventbrite page.
If in any doubt about any of this contact us at and we will get back to you straight away with an answer.

See you all soon!
Keith M Melton
Chair Green Lib Dems