The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is a treaty under negotiation between the EU and the US, containing an Investor State Dispute Settlement system, which corporations can use to sue Governments, in special unaccountable courts.
The UK Government was one of the main proponents of a TTIP deal with an ISDS that could have endangered services such as the NHS. The European Parliament is insisting on modifying the initial proposals, to protect public services from ISDS.
If the UK leaves the EU, TTIP would not apply to us, but, without the benefit of EU trade treaties, the UK Government would need to negotiate its own treaties, from a weaker position than the EU's.
On sovereignty, the choice is:
EITHER voting to stay in the EU, sharing part of our sovereignty with other EU nations and thus having a share in the government of the Europe,
OR voting to throw away our share of European sovereignty and leaving the way open for a UK Government give away swaths of our sovereignty to international corporations, via trade deals.
There is another trade deal CETA, currently under negotiation between the EU and Canada. It is nearer completion (possibly in September) than TTIP, but has had less public exposure than TTIP. It also has ISDS which could be used by any international corporation which operated in Canada.
NOTE:- If the EU does not get the terms it wants, TTIP and/or CETA can be stopped in 2 ways.
Any member Nation (including the UK) can veto them.
The a majority MEPs can stop them, as only the democratically elected European Parliament can pass the legislation needed to bring in such trade deals.
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