Scotland's renewables from Summer 2018 Challenge Magazine

Scotland now produces more than twice as much renewable energy as it consumes.
Between 2016 and 2017 the amount of power produced by the industry grew by 26%.
In 2017 the country's fleet of hydro, wind, solar, biomass, tidal and green gas generators
produced almost 25 terawatt hours. Scotland produces 25% of all UK renewable electricity.
Turnover in 2016 was almost £5,500 million and in the last quarter of 2017 Scotland transferred a record 4.8TWh of electricity to England.
Almost 95% of the recent increase in capacity has come from onshore wind.
Recent government figures show that wind generated 15% of the UK entire electricity demand in 2017, up from 11% the previous year.
Renewables overall provided 29.4% of UK electricity demand.

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