Recycling update

The main roll-out of blue lidded bins for the collection of plastic bottles and cardboard has now been completed and collections have successfully started in north, east and west Wiltshire. On average over 700 tonnes of plastic bottles and cardboard are being collected each month.
Residents of the old Salisbury District will move to fortnightly residual waste collection on March 12th. Garden waste collections will also start in March in the Kennet, North Wilts and Salisbury areas.
Any resident who hasn't received a new blue lidded bin and has not already contacted the council should call 0300 456 0102 to request one or email
WC are also running a radio campaign on Heart and Spire fm in January promoting recycling and the new collection arrangements.
Every householder in West Wiltshire has received a collection date calendar advising them of the day they need to leave out their general waste, garden waste and their plastic bottles and cardboard for collection.
Residents have also received an information leaflet explaining what items they can leave in each of their bins.
You can also check the waste section of the council's website for further details and collection information.
It is hoped the new service will encourage a significant improvement in recycling rates. Both the government and the council have targets to increase household recycling rates to 50% by 2020. Wiltshire's current performance is 41%.
The new service is in addition to the existing fortnightly black box collection for recycling paper, cans, glass, foil, clothes and shoes.