Power for People - the Local Electricity Bill

This is a relatively new campaigning group who are campaigning for Local Clean Energy. They are currently campaigning for the Local Electricity Bill, which is supported by 79 MPs, to become law. Currently only 4 Liberal Democrat MPs have given their support to the bill and these are Wera Hobhouse, Tom Brake, Layla Moran and Ed Davey.
Below I am copying some information directly informationfrom their website https://powerforpeople.org.uk/
The Problem
Many communities in villages, towns and cities across the country want to build new renewable generation and then sell the electricity it produces to local people.
Current energy market and licensing rules make this impossible.
Meanwhile renewables investment in the UK is collapsing, falling 10% in 2016 and 56% in 2017. Yet the UK has huge clean energy potential, being one of the windiest countries in Europe.
The Solution
Communities need the right to sell locally generated energy to local people. This would
- Allow communities to benefit from selling local renewable energy, e.g. by putting the money into local energy efficiency schemes
- Mean that more communities could raise funds to build more renewable energy
Support the Local Electricity Bill
Power for People have drafted the Local Electricity Bill which if it became law would achieve the above aims. They are campaigning for the bill to be made law and I believe that the Green Liberal Democrats, Liberal Democrats MPs and Peers and all Liberal Democrat members and supporters should support the Local Electricity Bill
To support the bill and the campaign behind it please follow this link https://powerforpeople.org.uk/sign-up/