Photo Archive Challenge 2020/21

We are running another photo challenge with many being published in the 2020/21 of our magazine Challenge as well as on our website.
We are calling this the Archive Challenge because we are asking you to send us some of your old photos which can be of a particular environmental issue and/or an event or demonstration related to an issue whether it is local, regional, national or event international.
We are convinced that there are literally thousands of photos which are languishing on your computer hard drive, external drive or SD card and many more that are printed and gathering dust. Please share your photos with us.
If you have produced special leaflets, newspapers or ward Focuses on green and environmental issues please send us a photo of them. If you have some down time over Christmas and New Year why not go through your old photos and send them to us.
And its OK to take a new photo and archive it tomorrow then submit it.
The deadline for this mini-challenge is midnight on Friday 15th January 2021
- By sending us your photos you are agreeing to allow us to use them in any Green Liberal Democrats publications, advertisements as well as on our website and on our various social media platforms. The copyright will always remain with you.
Kevin Daws
Checkout the entries to our June 2020 photo competition