Model Motion for Trade Unions to affiliate to the Campaign Against Climate Change

Trade Unions have a key role to play in protecting our planet as well as campaigning on a wide range of issues including Climate Change; Fracking; Greening the Workplace; single use plastic; renewable energy, electric cars and many other environment issues. You could start by asking your Trade Union Branch and your national trade union to affiliate to the Campaign Against Climate - here is a model motion which you can use for this purpose
This branch/region/trades council notes that in 2016 global temperature records are not just being broken, but surpassed by an unprecedented margin.
The impacts on both humans and ecosystems are also multiplying, from floods in Europe to Canadian wildfires, from heatwaves in South Asia to devastation of parts of the Great Barrier Reef.
It notes that despite rhetoric of ambition around the Paris climate agreement, governments' commitments fall well short of what would be needed to limit global temperatures to a 2C rise, let alone 1.5C.
In particular, the UK government's backtracking on climate change policies is noted, including dramatically cutting support to renewables, cutting energy efficiency / warm homes funding, and promoting fracking.
It believes that measures like those proposed in the "One Million Climate Jobs" report would not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also, by boosting the economy, offer an alternative to austerity.
It further believes that trade unions have a vital role to play in bringing about positive climate action.
The branch/region/ trades council therefore resolves:
- To affiliate to the Campaign against Climate Change and to send a representative to meetings of its Trade Union Group. [Affiliation fees: branches and trades councils £25, regions and County Associations £50, national unions from £150, depending on size]
- To make a bulk order for copies of the new edition of the One Million Climate Jobs report for sale to members. [Copies can be ordered through the link at].
- To notify the Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group of our decision by e-mailing