Liberal Democrats Launch Environment Mini Manifesto

The Liberal Democrats today launched their manifesto for the Environment, setting out our plans to protect and improve the environment - helping our pockets, our families, our communities and our world.
Liberal Democrat Shadow Environment Secretary, Norman Baker MP said:
"Liberal Democrats believe that there should be a green backbone running right through Government. We need to start with firm action to tackle climate change, cut traffic congestion and give proper support to alternative fuel sources.
"We want to cut emissions from aviation by rejecting Labour's flawed plans for airport expansion; achieve real reductions in energy use by making a much stronger case for the money everyone can save, and push for strong new agreements on climate change."
"A greener Britain means a better environment, and a better life for all."
Liberal Democrat Shadow Transport Secretary, John Thurso MP said:
"Our public transport system is suffering from years of under-investment and over-regulation. British passengers are getting a raw deal. They suffer amongst the worst services in Europe and yet pay some of the highest fares.
"Things can't go on like this. Transport needs a big vision for the future. Labour understand the problems but has done nothing to tackle them. The tarmac Tories don't even want to understand them and would just concrete over our green spaces with more and more roads. Only the Liberal Democrats would create a safe, reliable and affordable public transport system.
"We need a public transport system that supports drivers in rural areas where there is no alternative to the car, yet which still lives within its environmental means."
Notes to Editors:
Key policies in the environment manifesto include:
- Tackling Climate Change: Britain must take a lead on negotiations for tough new targets for greenhouse gas emissions, prioritising inclusion of the USA and Australia, and bringing developing countries on board on the principle of contraction and convergence;
- A Greener Treasury: We would develop an Economic Incentive Programme within the Treasury to give real incentives for environmental improvements. This will shift the burden onto the polluter; such as scrapping Air Passenger Duty and replacing it with a charge on each aircraft and lowering excise duty on less polluting cars;
- Tackling the long-term challenge of rising road transport emissions: The Liberal Democrats are committed to replacing fuel and vehicle excise duties with road user charging, based on the type of vehicle you are driving, and when and where you are using it.
- Cleaner Power: The Liberal Democrats are committed to building no new nuclear power stations and instead would meet future demands through a combination of energy conservation measures and an array of renewable sources (20% by 2020).