LDAT Special for Green Lib Dem Conference
You will probably have seen already that we have organised a session covering "Nuclear Weapons and the Environment" at the Green Liberal Democrat conference in Nottingham on Saturday 15th June. The speakers for this session are CND General Secretary, Kate Hudson and our own Baroness Sue Miller, so I hope this will tempt Liberal Democrats Against Trident (LDAT) members to come along.

We are also configuring the programme to make time available for LDAT members (and others who may be interested) to discuss and review possible "Motions to Autumn Conference" about nuclear weaponry and Trident in particular. Any resolutions far enough advanced to see the light of day in Nottingham can be circulated in advance for discussion. One such resolution that has been discussed on the LDAT Facebook page is included here below (slightly amended from the version currently on FB).
The conference will also function as the formal "Green Hustings" for the Lib Dem Leadership contest on the day, so if you want to come along and check out our potential Leaders, with respect to their views on Nuclear weapons generally, as well as on Green issues, then Nottingham is the place to be. The hustings for the East Midlands Lib Dems will also be part of the joint proceedings.
Because we will be meeting where the facilities are available to stream the event live to the Internet, we also hope the session will be available to live-stream or to see later, but we hope you will be able to join us LIVE in Nottingham!
Now - to top this appealing scenario off, we have also arranged a SPECIAL PRICE for LDAT members to come to the Conference. We have arranged for LDAT members to book for the day at the same discounted price as Green Liberal Democrat members, which is £40 for the day, whereas the regular price would be £50.
There are several articles, now, telling you what other topics will be discussed at the GLD conference which you can view on the GLD website at www.greenlibdems.org.uk or, if you are ready to BOOK NOW, then you can go straight to Eventbrite to book your ticket(s) here >>> https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gld-2019-conference-tickets-58673478955
Proposed Resolution for the Autumn conference in Bournemouth:
Towards a Secure Future for our Planet...
"Conference recognises and applauds the heightened international concern about damage to our planet from Climate Change and biodiversity extinction threats brought about by non-violent direct action. These have all drawn attention to the existential threats identified by the scientific consensus concerning both Climate Change and critical Biodiversity Loss.
Conference therefore reaffirms the centrality of Liberal Democrat belief that "each generation is responsible for the fate of our planet and, by safeguarding the balance of nature and the environment, for the long-term continuity of life in all its forms".
Furthermore, Conference believes that the continuing existence of nuclear, chemical and other indiscriminate weapons also poses a substantial threat to the future of our planet and that too little is being done to eliminate them.
We welcome the international progress that is being made towards ratification of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons but deplore HM Government's refusal to sign it.
Conference contends that by continuing with the Trident programme, which diverts vital funds from essential cyber and conventional defence, and acceding to the Government`s blind backing for the immoral trade in International Arms with tyrannical states such as Saudi Arabia, the UK has abandoned any attempt to achieve a secure future for our planet and its inhabitants.
Accordingly, Conference commits Liberal Democrats to campaign for:
- the cancellation of the Trident nuclear weapons programme,
- the UK to sign the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons … and for
- the UK Government to promote international talks to drastically reduce the scope of the international arms trade generally."
If you have alternative motions or amendments to this possible motion for consideration, please send them to keith.melton@greenlibdems.org.uk