Labour have no plan to tackle the climate emergency

Lib Dems: Labour have no plan to tackle the climate emergency
Responding to Labour's promise to make all new-build homes "zero carbon" by 2022, Liberal Democrat spokesperson for the Climate Emergency and the Environment Wera Hobhouse said:
"This Labour policy is nothing more than a vague aspiration. With no specific commitments and no mention of the 4 million non-domestic buildings that need upgrading too, this is nothing more than a superficial attempt to appear serious about tackling the climate emergency.
"The Liberal Democrats are the only party with a clear and realistic plan to solve the climate crisis. It is already Liberal Democrat policy to make new homes zero carbon by 2021, cut almost all emissions by 2030 and ensure the UK is net zero by 2045.
"It is time the Labour Party were held to account on their failure to set out to the British public exactly how they would achieve what they are calling for. Announcements with no plan behind them are unacceptable and the British public deserve better.
"This election is a once in a generation opportunity; the Liberal Democrat's have a radical plan to build a brighter future for our planet by solving the climate emergency."