Jane Goodall quotes by Emma Teresa Oliver

Below are a series of quotes from Jane Goodall's superb talk, collected by Emma.
A voice from the animal kingdom
Disrespect of environment & animal kingdom
Disrespect :- hunt, kill, eat animals, conditions horrific, cruel...then hopping from animal to human...then result Covid 19
Mind emotion unique to humans?
We are not only beings in this kingdom
Animals have feelings similar to us, individuals capable of fear & sadness
We shall emerge from this pandemic as we have in the past
Climate crisis for bigger crisis
Melting ice...floods...horricanes & fires loss if habits disrespect of habitats disrespect of natural world
Economics in expense of environment
Look up at sky, absolute awe of putting people on moon...think of our input intellectually
How can we get back to business as usual?
Hope...we still have time & a window to make the right decisions
Every individual makes an impact in the environment everyday
There's another chance
Help people help animals...change world
Take action...slow it down
Not only doom & gloom
Responsibility to future generations
Health of planet, habitat, animals
Think about animals suffering & the impact that has on the planet
Choose what we eat, wear...is it cruel to animals or inequitable to child labour
Chemicals poison soil
Give planet another chance
Disfunction of chimpanzee habitats need protection & conservation
Help people reduce chemicals, improve facilities
Energy of youth who understand the impact all this disrespect is having on our future planet
Tackle problems
1 poverty
2 unsustainable lifestyle
3 growing population
There is a human indomitable spirit for solving problems, there are people who live incredible lives to the good of others
Ask yourself...
What can I do today to make the world a better place?
Emma Teresa Oliver

Click here for Jane Goodall's GLD fringe Video and transcript