Jane Goodall - Let us all champion her message says Rowena Stone

Jane Goodal talk hosted by the Green Liberal Democrat conference 28/ 09/ 2020 online
She was the wildlife darling of a generation who watched as she worked with chimpanzees, getting
closer to them and working in a way that others had not achieved. Being clever and diligent meant
that she was able to secure funding for her work and gain repect of academics, eventally she won
a scholarship to do a Phd at Cambridge University without having done a degree first.
Her major contribution was to change the way the human to the animal world was defined. She
proved that we human beings are much closer to the animal world than had been previously
The significance of this declaration is crucial to how we respond to climate change and
environmental degradation. Crucial to how we proceed now to restore our world for future
generations, crucial to how we make decisions all day every day, what to buy, whether to use up
this resource or that. It is crucial in slowing and stopping extinctions, reducing the advent of new
viruses that treaten the human race, crucial to regeneration and a new way of seeing. We are part
of nature and have been very stupid thinking we can dominate it, our sytems are all skewed that
way and we will have to change our relationship with the natural world. What will have to emerge is
a culture where we play our part in the cycles of life, where we actively regenerate as we live. A
culture where we make decisions all day every day that add to our environment and encourage
restoration of what has been stolen from our childrens futures. Its that important.
Let us all champion Jane Goodall's message.

Click here for Jane Goodall's GLD fringe Video and transcript