Jane Goodall - "I am in complete awe of this woman" says Martin Horwood

I am in complete awe of this woman. Not just her apparently unlimited energy and determination at the age of 86, her commitment to science, her quiet eloquence and passion for our planet and for the potential of ordinary people to change everything for the better, but for the intellectual power of the case she sets out.
Just over 20 minutes in she explains how you can't protect animals and stop habitat loss by swooping in and criticising local people in the places where habitats are disappearing.
You have to work in and with local communities over time, you have to understand how habitat loss is driven by poverty and why those of us in richer countries need to set a better example, abandon the mindless pursuit of economic growth and find new and better definitions of success.
So watch this yourself, be moved and inspired and then think which teenager or pensioner or prime minister or businesswoman you know that needs to watch it next and share it with them.
( shortlink to this here webpage: http://grn.lib.dm/a01d43 )

Click here for Jane Goodall's GLD fringe Video and transcript