Jane Brophy is the new GLD Vice Chair Communications

My new role for the Green Lib Dems is Vice Chair Communications. I am very happy with this role as it fits in well with my other roles and experiences. I am currently Group Leader on Trafford Metropolitan Council for the Liberal Democrats, an experienced health worker and former MEP for the North West of England.
My GLD Comms role is to be responsible for maintaining links with members through all forms of communications media and developing membership engagement with the activities of the organisation.
It is my job to look after the all aspects of the "brand" and image of the GLDs. I will be Chairing the Image and Publicity Group Sub-Group, it has responsibility for all communications activities.
I oversee the production of Challenge, leaflet production and social media outputs, jointly with the Challenge Editor and specialist social media volunteers. As a leader, I am very much into delegating and will be relying on my team members to do the front-line work on all of these matters. My other responsibility is for the ongoing development of the regional organisation of GLD members, and in this regard, I work jointly with our GLD Vice-Chair Political.
I am very much in need of more helpers and volunteers to build our Communications team. If you have any experience in this area please do contact me and let me know what skills you can offer.
Thank you
Jane Brophy
GLD Vice Chair Communications