GREEN to the Core

Green Liberal Democrats are keen to flag up to the world that the Liberal Democrats have been GREEN to the core right from the outset. When the Liberal Democrats were formed in 1988 we inherited strong environmental credentials from the Liberal Party formed over many years. It seems these have been missed by the `Lord Finkelsteins` of the world and we need to restate our values strongly.
GLD has therefore placed a motion before the Party for autumn conference to highlight our CORE GREEN VALUES. The effect of the motion is simple but really significant. There is already a sentence that sums up our environmental values but it languishes as the second sentence of the second paragraph. We believe it is time to promote these values to the front rank, along with our core values of Liberalism.
GLD Chair, Keith Melton, had been a member of the Liberal Ecology Group since 1978 when the new party was formed and was instrumental in putting the sentence into the Preamble - " I know what the party stands for despite Lord Finkelstein`s absurd claim that nobody knows what the party is about. So we need to proclaim that set of values LOUD & CLEAR. The sentence I wrote in 1988 is as fresh and relevant today as it was over thirty years ago - we just need to make ourselves heard again above the noise of Brexit and the rubbish this Government spouts about the environment in this pivotal year of COP26"
Green Lib Dems would like as many people as possible to sign our proposed motion - go to the link here to read the motion and its explanation -<wbr>Xd4TTfpSSHqjxJTy5
Pass this on to your friends and contacts in the party - let us make this the BIG IDEA for 2021