Green Liberal Democrats - Party Leadership Election Environmental Q&A 2) Locally Green
The Green Liberal Democrats have sent the two leadership candidates a series of questions, to inform party members, through their responses, about their green credentials.
In the run up to our annual conference in Manchester on June 27th, we will be publishing their answers, one question at a time.
Q2. How can local councils promote the green agenda in the absence of a clear will to act at national government level?

Tim Farron | Norman Lamb |
| Years ago, as a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Green Energy, I visited Germany to see how their approach to renewables had helped them lead the way in Europe in transforming their energy industry. The thing that struck me was their principle that, when a new wind turbine or solar farm was built, the local community all received a share - so everyone benefitted. They said that, when they started to take this approach, local opposition to green energy disappeared overnight. This seems to me a fundamentally liberal approach to take. The coming years will be difficult for green causes - too many in the Tory party just don't care, and David Cameron will struggle to win support from his backbenchers for the national action needed to tackle global man-made climate change. But Lib Dem councils - and I am determined to dramatically increase how many of these there are in the coming years - can play a part locally through the planning system in encouraging this sort of co-operative approach where communities get the benefit of new green energy generation rather than just wealthy landowners. Councils can also act as opinion leaders, leading from the front, demonstrating that, in everything they do they will behave in a green way - as landowners, property owners, in the provision of services and as an employer. They can also build alliances with civic society and enlightened business to lead the way in their localities. When I was leader of the Lib Dem opposition on Norwich City Council way back in about 1989 I proposed an environmental charter which I wanted the council to adopt. I consulted a whole range of civic society organisations. Councils can lead and Lib Dem councils will lead on this agenda. |