Gove against Neonicotinoids

float like a bee
Miserable pipsqueak and weasel flimflam pedlar he may be, but Michael Gove has declared that new evidence on neonicotinoids indicates the risk to bees and other insects is "greater than previously understood". He wants them banned!
With the EU having banned their use on flowering crops in 2013, it might have been expected that Gove would join with the odious Owen Patterson in becoming a poster boy for Bayer CropScience, Syngenta, Nippon Soda, etc. But no. Nor has he declared the EU to be responsible for all neonicotinoids on the planet. Strange.
So what is going on?
History shows that with Gove there is always an angle. Have the decades working as a Murdoch drone, or serving the needs of the demanding Lady MacGove, taken their toll?
Time will tell.