GLDNEWS November 2020

Green Liberal Democrats November 2020 Newsletter
* AGM 16 January 2021
* Green Liberal Democrats AGM & Elections
The GLD AGM will be held on Saturday 16 January 2021 via Zoom.
* SIGs: Join our new GLD Special Interest Groups :
Quality of Life Economics + Doubling Nature + Renewables and Energy Efficiency + Food from Farm to Table
* Subscribe NOW please to all of our GLD channels
* BIDEN, Brazil and Bolsonaro… & COP26 by Keith Melton
* BRISTOL's Brislington Greenway plans - a long-abandoned railway line, which the local Lib Dems want to turn into an active travel corridor, wildlife corridor and community space, but which the Labour administration plan to turn into a road!
* CEE BILL: Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill - Panel Discussion on 9th November 2020
* CHALLENGE MAGAZINE 2020-21 ~ planning to print it in February 2021 so please send us articles and ideas for it soonish
* LIBDEM CLIMATE COMMITTEE - Pippa Heylings, Steve Mason and Graham Neale are attending this committee at Westminster to help shape future LibDem policy and campaigns
* A Green Economic Recovery for hope: tackling the climate
emergency with the jobs and technology people need.
The Liberal Democrats' ambitious ten point plan for UK Net-Zero
* CONTRIBUTE PLEASE: There were no articles sent to the GLD website in October!
* COVID - Lessons from Covid-19 from The Ecologist website
* DC - Cllr Pippa Heylings and Cllr Geoff Harvey recently launched a campaign to make the huge Ox-Cam Arc national infrastructure project an exemplar for clean energy infrastructure based on smartgrid DC power transmission
* DC - Time to switch the UK's power distribution from AC over to DC? By Geoff Harvey
* DOUGHNUT ECONOMICS VIDEO and transcript from GLD Conference June 2020
* GREENIFY the YLs : Oliver Jones-Lyons has made an open offer to the new Young Liberal executive to work on becoming "operationally green" in order to set a standard for the wider party to follow in terms of campaigns, operations and even policy.
* INSTAGRAM : We need GLD volunteers to help with Instagram please
* JANE GOODALL VIDEO coming very soon
* JANUARY 2021 GLDNEWS We are looking for ideas for articles - for example, if you could only choose one, what is the single most urgent environmental issue to be tackled? We are also looking for regular contributors: do you see yourself as the recycling correspondent? Or the north-east regional correspondent, who could keep us updated on developments? If you would like to write for us occasionally, do please get in touch with Laura Sykes at or message her on Facebook or Twitter
* LIBDEMS: DECLINE OR THRIVE? Steve Bolter writes:
Between elections, we need not only to be true to our principles; we must explain how we use them to build our policies. We need to avoid being accused of being illiberal, undemocratic, or even un-green. Public statements, including motions, must be designed to minimise the risk of misinterpretation; and we must be ready to defend potentially controversial policies before they are announced.
The motion on Environment, F21 at the September Libdem conference "A Green Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic" contained the assertion "i) Excluding the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate emergency is the biggest issue facing the UK and the world. THIS IS UNTRUE. Without strong action, the climate emergency will kill many times more than this Pandemic and could lead to the extinction of humanity.
* PHOTOS: We are running another photo challenge with many being published in our magazine Challenge as well as on our website.
We are calling this the Archive Challenge because we are asking you to send us some of your old photos.
The deadline for this mini-challenge is midnight on Friday 15th January 2021
* PLANNING: FoE and CPRE want councillors and others to sign this open letter...
"We believe that removing both the right of the public to be heard in person at local plan examinations, and many development control decisions from democratically elected planning committees, will lead to an unacceptable loss of local democracy, scrutiny and accountability and lead to worse outcomes for communities. This will inevitably reduce the trust that the public has in the planning system. The proposed zoning system could radically reduce protections for nature, local green spaces and fail to tackle climate change. "
* SIGs: Join a new GLD Special Interest Group :
Quality of Life Economics + Doubling Nature + Renewables and neighbourhood energy + Food from Farm to Table
* QUIZ Friday 4 December 8pm is the next GLD Quiz Night with Jason T Johnson and Lesley McCourt
* SARAH OLNEY MP: Ten reasons why the Conservative's ten point plan isn't as good as it seems.
* SUBSCRIBE please to our website, facebook, twitter, youtube and other channels
* TAX vs REGULATION by Julian Hawkins : Detailed arguments for and against a Carbon Tax and/or Carbon Regulation and/or co-operation
* TRUMP IS HISTORY by Keith Melton
* YOUTHIFY GLD : Oliver Jones-Lyons has met with a number of Young Green Lib Dems to discuss the formation of a youth wing.
* VIDEOS: HELP needed please editing the transcripts of our conferences' videos: for us all, for the deaf, and for search engines like ecosia and google.
Please subscribe to our new youtube channel
* ZERO VAT for home insulation and fitting is proposed.
The Libdem 2019 policy paper 139 proposes 5% VAT for insulation materials.
Please encourage your friends to JOIN GLD
We have a facebook page at
We have a facebook group where members can post and discuss and receive advice and help with campaigns, info etc
Our TWITTER is @GreenLibDems
We need GLD volunteers to help with Instagram
*Please subscribe to our website for Daily Updates*
Update emails only get sent on the days that there are any updates, on average once a week.
(If you are subscribed for weekly or monthly updates you may only hear about new events 30 days after they've happened, so please check your settings and 'Subscribe for Daily Updates')
Please submit articles for our website and e-newsletters and magazine to:
We have followed the GDPR guidance at
This November GLDNEWS was edited by George Miles (sorry for any mistokes)
* online version of this November 2020 GLDNEWS is at
Mailchimp version is at:
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