GLD SGM 7pm Monday 16th January 2023

7pm Monday 16th January 2023 we have our extraordinary general meeting in which we will debate and vote upon a new constitution that will allow us to become an affiliated organisation within the Liberal Democrats.
This is will be so important to us going forward as we influence the manifesto at the next General Election.
You can read the proposed constitution here.
One paragraph (highlighted in yellow) relating to the potential for Regional/National reps to the Exec Committee is lifted from the Lib Dem European Group version, but may bring our Regional aspirations to life. This paragraph will be offered as an option for inclusion, or not, during the meeting.
The evening will also have some special guest speakers including a Green Lib Dem MP and two Green Lib Dem MPs in waiting…
Wera Hobhouse MP will speak about the proposed motion at Spring Conference on Lib Dem energy policies.
Cllr Pippa Heylings will expand on the impact COP15 has had and how it links with Lib Dem plans with the Doubling Nature Policy.
And finally Cllr Sarah Dyke will reflect upon the organisational needs of fighting a target seat.
GLD Members received an email on 10 January with a zoom link to the AGM