GLD Events at Bournemouth LibDem Conference September 2019

Saturday 14th (All events in BIC)
• 1pm - 2.30pm Climate Emergency Policy & Motion - Options and Outcomes
Briefing by Duncan Brack outlining Lib Dem policy on Climate Change with Q&A panel including Wera Hobhouse MP and Catherine Bearder MEP on the CC coinference motion F29 with key principles, sector actions, targets and reasonign. Refreshments.
• 8.15 - 9.30pm Briefings on renewable Hydrogen Production, distribution, storage and use to solve renewable HEAT problems etc with talks by Martyn Bridges Tech.Dir. Worcester-Bosch Group with Q&A panel including Lord Chris Fox and Alistair Carmichael MP. Drink refreshments. BIC Branksome Room:
Sunday - (all Sunday events in Granville Suite, Trouville Hotel - left out of BIC and left uphill Priory Rd 50yds BH2 5DH)
• 7.30-9am Breakfast Briefing - Profitable ways to make Sustainability work for Councils and offset grant reductions (Invitation only)
Briefings by Cllr Geoff Harvey (S.Cambs) and Cllr Henry Hobhouse (S.Somerset) outlining the cost effective measures in partnerships that means Green energy and other projects create income and offset government grant reductions. Full case study figures provided! With Full Cooked Vegan Breakfast (If interested write to
• 9.15-10.30am Discussion: Tackling Eco Apartheid -(GLD in Association with LDCRE).
Discussions on why those who contribute to climate change the least, suffer from it the most. Also why there is little engagement and representation of BAME community members on environmental concerns. Chair: Roderick Lynch Chair of LDCRE. Speakers: Isabelle Parasram VP Lib Dem BAME, Kishan Devani VP LDCRE, Dinesh Dhamijah Dep. Treasurer Lib Dem Party, Pauline Pearce PPC Hackney, Anna Casey Chair of Business, N.Cornwall LP, Femi Oluwole Co-founder 'Our Future Our Choice'. Drink refreshments
• 10.45-12.45 Cllr/local activist Briefing session - Achieving Green Policies locally (sign up at GLD stand 30 or email
Briefings by Cllr Pippa Heylings (S.Cambs), Louise Harris (S.Glos), Adele Morris (LGA), Chris Crean (FoE) and Steve Mason (Frack Free United) on how to move things to Green in Local Government from housing to climate action. Refreshments
• 1.15-2.15pm Fringe: A Planet Positive Planning System - how to Push for sustainability.
Briefings from Dr Hugh Ellis, Chief Planner at TCPA with Panel including Jane Brophy MEP, Sarah Wollaston MP (TBC) and Gideon Amos OBE (Chair).
Arranged by GLD in association with TCPA &Amos Ellis Consulting Ltd). Food Refreshments.
• 2.45-4.30pm International Sustainability campaign Briefing and workshop.
GLD strategy event to create integration from international to regional/community action. Speakers: Andy Gheorghiu - Eur Dir. Food&Water Watch and Stijn Carton - European Climate Foundation - Energy Systems Associate with Jane Brophy MEP, Caroline Voaden MEP, Martin Horwood MEP, Phil Bennion MEP and Cllrs. Refreshments
• 4.45-5.45pm Youth-led Event: Passing the Torch - inspiring the next generation to lead on environmental matters. The meek shall not inherit the earth.
Chair: Pushkin Defyer Youth Officer GLD. Speakers: Femi Oluwole Co-founder 'Our Future Our Choice', Jack McAteer MDO LDCRE, Cllr. Jack Dart Co-founder of 'Inspire EU', James Dart Co-founder of 'Inspire EU, Robert Noyes Divestment from fossil fuels, Freya Greaves YLD representative, N. Cornwall LP.
• 6.15-7. Accelerating Action on Climate Change - an event integrating views from National to GLD activist work including short GLD EGM - All welcome particularly GLD members.
Hear about GLD successes & agree AGM plans. Speakers Luciana Berger MP and Zion Lights (Extinction Rebellion).
. Refreshments.
• 7.45-9pm Funding Net Zero Fringe - New (Dis)Investment Choices are needed at the international, national, local and individual levels - this event spells out the needs and opportunities.
Speaker Panel Sir Ed Davey, Katie Critchlow - Director of Naturemetrics, Frank de Lerven (Senior Economist at the New Economics Foundation), Polly Billington (Director UK 100), Edward Robinson (Co-author of 'A vision for Britain: Carbon Free 2050' paper for the Lib Dems). Sponsor Environment-Smart Food refreshments
• 9.15-11pm Sustainability Hub and Green Liberal Democrat Reception.
Speeches include Ed Davey MP, Catherine Bearder MEP, Karen Potter (Proj.Director sustainability hub) & Graham Neale (Chair GLD).
Drinks and Nibbles
Monday All events at Royal Bath Hotel Mezzanine Suite (other side of Pier facing sea BH1 2EW) except 7.45pm.
• 1-2.15pm Fringe: Evolving Green Transport Vehicle Options - from Electric to Hydrogen.
Briefings on the potential of different transport technologies for cars to large commercial vehicles from Dr Paul Dodds Assoc Prof UCL & Martin Flach, Industry consultant Q&A panel including Baroness Randerson with Beth Dawson (Fuel Cell Systems) and Polly Billington (Director UK 100) and Stijn Carton - European Climate Foundation - Energy Systems Assoc. Refreshments
• 4.30-5.45 pm Briefings: Business, Agriculture & the Environmental 6 'R's - recycle, reuse, reduce, restore, reintroduce & rewild.
Chair: Almona Choudhury VC Comms. GLD. Speakers: Vince Cable MP, Kishan Devani VP LDCRE, Danny Chambers PPC N.Cornwall, Anna Casey Chair of Business, N.Cornwall LP, Robert Noyes Divestment from fossil fuels, Mike Galsworthy Scientists for EU.
Drink refreshments
• 6.15 - 7.30 pm Fringe: How repurposing land can help solve the climate emergency and enhance biodiversity? (GLD in association with The Vegan Society)
Speaker: Dr Helen Harwatt (Harvard Uni), with Q&A panel including Lucy Bjorck (Senior Policy Advisor, RSPB), Mark Banahan (The Vegan Society), Alistair Carmichael (VEGAN FOOD and drink refreshments)
• 7.45-9pm - at Sherborne Suite, Marriott Hotel (uphill of BIC):
The GREEN Rally - Greener UK and GLD Conference Rally/Drinks Reception (Greener UK is the coalition of the 13 largest UK Environmental NGOs including RSPB, National Trust, FoE The Wildlife Trust)
Speeches from Wera Hobhouse, Alistair Carmichael, Lord Chris Fox, Tim Farron and other Parliamentarians, Duncan Brack +CEO Greener UK and Chair GLD . Drinks & Nibbles
Other Sustainability related Events at Conference
• Saturday 1-2.30pm LDVoice - What Sacrifices are you prepared to make for the Planet? Panel: Ed Davey, Jo Swinson, Cathy Bakewell, Mark Campanale (Carbon Tracker Initiative), Luke Murphy Hd IPPR Env.JusticeComm)- Highcliff Marriott, Dorchester North.
• Monday 08.00 What Next for Transport in the City Regions - (Invitation only, hot breakfast) Sherborne Room Marriott run by Urban Transport Group
• Monday1-2pm The Hydrogen APPG. Net Zero: why hydrogen is essential to meeting decarbonisation targets. Invited Chair: Ed Davey MP, officer of the Hydrogen APPG. Invited speakers: Wera Hobhouse MP, Spokesperson for Environment and Climate Change; Representatives from Alstom, Cadent, Energy and Utilities Alliance, Northern Gas Networks, SGN. Talking on their projects - BIC, Meyrick The Smith Institute.