GLD Elections 2019/20 - Chair
The position of Chair of GLD for 2019/2020 is a contested election.and the Candidates Manifestos are below:

Keith Melton | Peter Bruce |
We are at a critical juncture for GLD. Rapid expansion in membership has brought great opportunities as well as challenges for keeping our membership engaged. Internally, we need to build a regional organisation to bring members together in action-oriented meetings, developing teams to create inclusive, activist campaigns to challenge Tory misgovernment.
| From my student days onwards I have chaired organisations that have been effective and groundbreaking in their influence, both community based and public/private partnerships up to £1m/yr turnover. I have never held back from implementing major changes in approach, funding or administration and have left these organisations stronger and more focussed. GLD needs to develop the organisation of its strong volunteer community with specific professional services if it is to have more influence to help protect our troubled planet. I believe I am the person to accomplish this and hope you can support me in creating an evolving future together. As Vice-Chair Organisation for many years I have delivered increasing conference programmes across the committee and have been stand in chair for 6 months. I aim to be a listener, and supportive of the team making shared decisions, optimising each of our contributions through activities. I am also experienced in taking the lead, when necessary, for key direction and decisions with a clear head and heart. I have presented to PLC Strategy boards, run parliamentary briefings/campaigns for Airbus and am skilled in lobbying globally. This should be invaluable in a forward looking GLD facing a time of crisis in our society and environment. We need new voices to push the agenda for working with nature rather than against it. We need a new vision of society utilising our expertise to engineer renewable ways of travelling, living in our homes, sharing space and controlling industry to not pollute in our name across the world. Our modern society is not working for us or the planet. Fear often makes us look backwards, so we need proactive leaders to take people forward quickly on the better path, challenging norms and helping people find happier answers in their lives. I can help achieve this. |
Endorsed by: Jed Marson, Laura Sykes and Ross Benzie |
If you have requested a postal vote through the returning officer and are an eligible voter (i.e. a full member when the nominations were announced and until the AGM), it will be posted to you in time for you to return it on or before 11th March in time for the AGM on the 15th. All other eligible voters who have provided a valid email address to GLD will be sent a link for voting online where you will be required to enter identification details for verification purposes only. This form will include an option to request a voting form at the AGM instead. Otherwise only eligible voters without notified email addresses may vote at the AGM itself. There is currently no facility for proxy voting.
Details of the AGM