GLD Amendments to Pollution Motion F8 Cleaning Up the Air We Breathe: How to Tackle Road Pollution

Spring conference Motion F8 [See Conference Extra Page 11]
14:55pm Saturday 16th March, York Conference
Cleaning Up the Air We Breathe: How to Tackle Road Pollution

Two amendments submitted on behalf of Green Liberal Democrats have been drafted into the motion.
Another two have been accepted for debate.
One suggests phased banning, taking out the more polluting vehicles earlier.
The other recognises existing legislation that the original appeared to ignore; and widens the scope of the ban.
We are appealing against the rejection of an amendment to b) which avoids unnecessary disposal of vehicles already at or better than the standard it specifies and puts the emphasis on immediate stopping purchasing polluting vehicles rather than on eventual disposal.
Please put in cards to speak in support these amendments.
If you wish to see the third amendment and the detail of the cases for all three, e-mail .
Checkout our three fringes on Saturday