Free Software Free and Open Source software used for GLD Challenge magazine 2019-20 was Scribus (for DTP), LibreOffice (for wordprocessing), Gimp (for editing photos) and Inkscape (for editing line diagrams). ( Kdenlive edits videos, Audacity edits sound. )
They can all be downloaded free for Macs, Windows and Linux. They are opensource: users can suggest and code improvements. Popular programs like these have many youtube tutorials.
As more universities, companies and individuals work on open source it will become better tested and supported than commercial software. There's still money to be made in support and teaching how to use it, so professionals won't be out of work!
If Liberals volunteer to help make leaflets and social media they should not be forced to buy new computers and expensive software, not "enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity"
No: put Ubuntu Linux Mint dual boot on old Apple Macs and Windows 7 PCs : reuse, recycle, repair.
Test for a few months, incremental improvement...

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From GLD Challenge Magazine 2019-20