Climate and Ecological Emergency - CEE Bill
May 6th Elections 2021

We are all very busy, I am sure, in most areas of the country with election campaigns of one kind or another, leading up to a very busy day on 6th May 2021. We cannot change the world as much as we`d like without getting a hand (or even, perhaps, a finger!) on the levers of power. This means we are trying to get elected, or trying to get someone we trust, with views similar to our own, elected to councils, or parliaments, or mayoralties to `get something done`.
For those of us with environmental priorities, that `something` needs to include a recognition of the urgency of action on Climate Change and, if possible, some of the ACTION itself.
But, even if we cannot get our preferred politicians elected into those positions of `power`, we may be able to affect the nature of the current political debate. And one of the current campaigns that deserves our attention is the campaign to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill at national level.
The purpose of this brief article, then, is simply to point you in the right direction to do something about that. If you are a candidate, you can sign a pledge to push this issue. And, if you are supporting a candidate standing for election somewhere, you can persuade your chosen candidate to take the pledge and raise the profile of the CEE Bill campaign.
The CEE Bill
Here`s what the campaign says to explain the campaign on the ground:-
- "The CEE Bill is a ground-breaking piece of legislation drafted by scientists, lawyers and academics, and sets a viable pathway for the UK to tackle the Climate and Ecological Emergency. The Bill is the only legislative plan before MPs that aims to address the climate-nature crisis at the speed and scale the science demands.
- We are asking candidates at all levels, standing in the elections on 6 May 2021, to sign this pledge to publicly support the CEE Bill-and work to make it law. With your support we can put pressure on Westminster MPs across the country to take action and support the Bill."
And here is where you can sign the pledge:-
If YOU are the candidate go there straight away and sign up. If you are one of the candidate`s campaign team, put this in front of the Candidate NOW. Good luck in May! Signing the pledge could bring you new voters for whom this is the most important issue of the day!
Keith Melton
Chair GLD