Bulletin June 2017
June 2017 greenlibdem bulletin
From mailchimp at: http://mailchi.mp/1ee74155eef2/latest-from-green-lib-dems

Fellow members,
Thanks for your support.
please take a minute to have a read - see you in Bournemouth?
Graham Neale,
Chair, Green Liberal Democrats
Welcome to our summer bulletin,
please follow the links below for more information, and get in touch with any questions.
It's great that we have 12 MPs, with a strong team across both Houses.
We are starting to prepare for Autumn Conference. Formal notice will be going in the next few weeks, but GLD members are welcome and encouraged to stand for positions on our executive committee.
The summer is well and truly upon us, bringing a spell of hot weather unprecedented in its length, and the worst fire in London since the 2nd world war. The Green Liberal Democrats join the whole country in mourning the seventy-nine victims of the Grenfell Tower fire.
Of course, the fire rounded off a terrible week for this Tory government. Following the loss of her majority in the Commons, Theresa May's paired down Queen's Speech leaves much to be desired. GLD Executive member Steve Bolter's article on Green Points on Legislation mentioned in the Queen's Speech can be read here
It seems that the shale gas and Heathrow expansion Tory manifesto pledges are still on the table, even though they were not in the Queens speech. We're investigating whether - in order to push their Fracking agenda - the Conservatives are trying to make all drilling permitted development (and therefore not subject to local planning permission). Read more about this here
And now, announcements:
• The Green Liberal Democrats AGM will be at Autumn Federal Conference in Bournemouth (September 16th - 19th): www.libdems.org.uk/autumn-conference.
More information will follow as soon as we have the exact time/date.
• Motions for Autumn Federal Conference must be submitted, with the details of at lest 10 backers, by 1:00pm on Wednesday the 28th of June. Submit a motion here
• Congratulations are in order to our Treasurer Simon Oliver upon his marriage to his wife Emma this June.
Simon is working on a new system for online membership applications for us as part of a suite of exciting modernisation projects that we're currently undertaking to improve the Green Liberal Democrats. We will keep you all posted on progress.
• Our next Challenge Magazine will be produced in July, please send articles for publication to: challenge@greenlibdems.org.uk
Previous editions of Challenge Magazine can be viewed here
• Big thanks to Mariam Mahmood, Julian Pycraft and Steve Bolter for recent web articles - they can be shared and published by local LibDem branches who have Prater Raines websites.
If anyone would like to host an article on our website, please send it to: george.miles@greenlibdems.org.uk
Our website is at https://greenlibdems.org.uk
Our facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/greenlibdems/
Our members facebook group is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/GLDMem/
Our Twitter feed is @GreenLibDems
Our email is info@greenlibdems.org.uk
Our organisation chart is here
View this bulletin here
Graham N