Bates calls for fresh proposals to achieve a sustainable Wales

Mick Bates AM, Welsh Liberal Democrat environment spokesperson, today criticised the Welsh Assembly's proposals for the Assembly's Sustainable Development Scheme.
He said: 'Promoting sustainable development is key to the Welsh Liberal Democrats. The Assembly's Sustainable Development Scheme is an important document and it is important to review and update it in order to achieve our objective of a sustainable Wales. However, the Minister's statement today did not introduce any fresh proposals.'
The Assembly's Sustainable Development Scheme, unanimously adopted by Assembly Members on 16th November 2000, describes how the Assembly will translate its vision of a sustainable Wales into action. It stresses that sustainable development should be integrated into everything the Assembly does.
The statement today by the Minister for Environment, Planning and Countryside set out a number of objectives for the scheme. But Mr. Bates criticised the objectives for not being fresh enough.
Mr. Bates said 'It is vital that we protect the environment for future generations, and therefore it is necessary that we attempt to build on any progress that has gone before. One of the proposals set down by the Minister was to explore the use of hydrogen gas in the economy. This is already being explored. So when will we see the shuttle bus running between Cardiff Bay and Cathays Park being run on hydrogen? We cannot become complacent, there is much work to be done before we achieve our vision of a sustainable Wales.'