AGM 2018 Report

(From our GLD October 2018 newsletter)
The Green LibDems Annual General Meeting took place at the Brighton Conference on 15th September at the Grand Hotel. The meeting was swift and efficient and you can see the agenda and detailed proposals here.
The reports of officers highlighted a year of growth and consolidation with finances now stable and a great set of activities from campaigning on Fracking and policies like Climate Change and Air Quality, along with lively conference fringes at Bournemouth (Sep17) and Southport (Mar18).
At Southport Spring Conference Vince Cable gave us a speech as we celebrated 40years since the Liberals started campaigning on Green issues and 30years since the formation of Green LibDems in the new party at the time. A renewed GLD Annual conference held in Nottingham in May was well attended with great speakers from within and outside the party and regional TV coverage.
The new committee was elected and just the new Youth Officer position remains to be filled to champion the new GLD Youth wing for under 26yr olds. The motions: to amend the constitution to allow this, to enable us to have memberships where Challenges are sent to members electronically (to save trees) and a motion to allow Committee post nominations to be made by oneself without the need for proposers and seconders were passed. The only rejection (to delay for a year) was the proposal for ONLY under 26's to vote for the youth officer as we still have to get that membership established.
The AGM was pleased to have Wera Hobhouse MP give us a lively keynote speech.
This led straight into a fringe event of the #3blokes in a pub famous Youtubers, talking about Brexit, this time (episode9) on the Environment with Wera included. Worth a watch online at
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