A campaign to make the Ox-Cam Arc the UKs first DC-enabled Zone
A campaign to make the Ox-Cam Arc the UKs first DC-enabled Zone

Breaking News: GLD Exec Members, Cllr Pippa Heylings and Cllr Geoff Harvey recently launched a campaign to make the huge Ox-Cam Arc national infrastructure project an exemplar for clean energy infrastructure based on smartgrid DC power transmission. Working closely with South Cambridgeshire District Council Leader, Cllr Bridget Smith, who also heads up the Ox-Cam Arc Environment Pillar of policy development, Geoff and Pippa have notched-up a first success: At the Arc Conference and Prospectus Launch, on 17th Nov, to an audience of close to 500 delgates, Cllr Bridget Smith included the following aim in her speech:
[to] Maximise opportunities for multi-agency engagement to plan and progressively deploy a coherent, integrated and synergistic energy infrastructure, embracing future smart-grid and DC transmission technologies to maximise the generation, transmission, aggregation, storage and distribution of clean energy, at the highest efficiency.
The expectation is that this will now be copied into written policy, establishing a very useful first foothold. Working with the GLD Exec team, a major next step is working up a policy motion for Spring Conference.
Pippa Heylings commented: We are entering a period of huge investment in energy infrastructure as we prepare to quadruple power capacity. Smartgrid and DC power transmission technologies can not only save the 13% of power lost in AC/DC and DC/AC conversion but also enable more clean energy generation and storage. We should grasp this opportunity to invest in developing future energy infrastructure and contribute to local research, development, jobs, a green recovery and export opportunities.
Geoff Harvey has written paper on this subject that is published [here]